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Strategic approach: CONTEXT & INSIGHT:

On store shelves there aren’t many truly healthy products which can back up claims such as “with-out..”, “natural”, “innocent”. Alternatively, frufru’s “fără bazaconii” (no nonsense) is not just a slogan or a marketing trend, but the actual reason the business was started in the first place, 14 years ago.


Frufru’s first image campaign puts the brand’s slogan and mission into context. “fără bazaconii”. brings the fight between the good guys and the bad guys front and center, where the good guys are the people from the frufru team and all the brand’s friends that are also trying to make better choices for themselves and their families, and the bad guys are the weird, unnatural additives usu-ally found in the found you buy. Simply put, for 14 years frufru has been fighting these nonsense ingredients, so you can win healthy alternatives.


We wanted to amplify frufru’s mission and brand spirit through a memorable story and show that we are still supporting those that want healthy alternatives.
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