General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: CONTEXT: Birra Moretti is an Itallian premium brand that was planned to be launched in Romania in the Spring of 2020, at the beginning of high beer sales season. Like in the case of many other plans for this year, the pandemic context affected the launch objectives, with Italy highly impacted by COVID 19 and HoReCa being shut down locally as a preventive measure.

CHALLENGE: Driving trial for a newly launched beer during social-distancing context isn't easy. A good food & good company message associated with Italy was not proper; HoReCa represented more than half of the distribution channels of premium brands and was cut off; beer market sales increased with 47% vs. same period year ago, but more from mainstream and economy brands highly present in proximity stores.

CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE: In the summer of 2020, when HoReCa outdoor ventures began to open gradually, the brand had an ambitious trial objective to recover the sales lost during affected peak season. Awareness was also of an essence, considering it was a newly launch brand on the local market.

APPROACH: In order to drive brand ad-recall and awareness, we first split the Digital media campaign in two phases: (1) Learning (which included several Brand Lift Studies) and (2) Scaling (using best performing assets from phase 1). In order to drive trial in this challenging context, we applied a hyper-local geo strategy through which we identified changes in beer purchase, using technology to register consumers signals at point of sale and measuring generated footfall by matching advertising and location signals.
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