General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: ESSENTIALE STANDS AS THE LEADING PLAYER IN THE LIVER CARE CATEGORY IN ROMANIA, boasting a strong market share with its treatment solutions. boosting a formidable market presence through its innovative treatment solutions.
Nevertheless, the landscape of this category is currently transforming, with dietary supplements emerging as an alternative to conventional therapies. In contrast to Essentiale, dietary supplements are not held to identical regulatory benchmarks, thus simplifying the entry of new players who flood the market with cost-effective and unverified products, positioning them as preventive measures.

Above these business challenges, there were also other CATEGORY CHALLENGES:
ESSENTIALE HAVE TO COMMUNICATE ITS VALUE OF ITS TREATMENTS COMPARED TO UNTESTED ALTERNATIVES TO RETAIN PATIENTS' LOYALTY. The category users seek treatment for fatty liver issues, initially opting for the brand recommended by their doctor. As they start to feel better, they switch to “natural” alternatives like one-a-day food supplements. However, when their condition worsens, marked by fatigue, elevated transaminases, or other medical concerns, they return to their initial treatment. This cyclical behavior poses a significant challenge for brands in the Liver Care Category, as they must communicate the value of their treatments compared to untested alternatives.

30% OF CATEGORY USERS SUFFER FROM UNDIAGNOSED LIVER PROBLEMS, making it difficult for them to identify associated symptoms. As a result, they often self-treat with alternatives such as food supplements. Unlike the heart, the liver is relatively silent, which means symptoms may not be immediately noticeable. This presents a significant challenge for brands in the Liver Care Category, as they must find ways to raise awareness about liver health and the importance of seeking medical attention for symptoms that may indicate underlying liver problems.

Considering all these, ESSENTIALE’S OBJECTIVES were:
i) BUSINESS OBJECTIVE: Maintain our growth in both value and volume sales for 2022, given the market's positive growth in 2021: min. 20% Values and 8% in Volumes.
ii) MARKETING OBJECTIVE: Raise awareness on fatty liver symptoms and diagnoses for the selected target audience.
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