General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: A BIT OF BACKGROUND

Medicine is focusing nowadays on the topic of stem cells sampling, as a crucial preventive measure, enabling families to access new available therapies in order to treat severe diseases. One of the main objectives in stem cells research, , is to generate healthy cells to replace the affected ones (According to Mayo Clinic (Sandhya Pruthi, 2022). This risk-free procedure opens the door to future treatments and therapies for over 80 diseases, including leukemia, lymphoma, neuroblastoma or multiple myeloma, ischemic stroke, severe burns, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson's disease. (Stem cell therapy for Alzheimer's disease, Xin-Yu Liu, Lin-Po Yang, and Lan Zhao, 2020 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7477654/)

Cord Blood Center is the only stem cells sampling bank in Romania that focuses on harvesting, processing, and storing the placental tissue, together with cord blood and umbilical cord tissue, which comprises the largest quantity and diversity of stem cells obtainable at birth. Although the company has been present in Romania since 2004, they needed to expand their business even further, so they created a special package for the Romanian market, the Red Diamond which also included the collection of the entire placental tissue, together with cord blood and cord tissue.


In-depth understanding of our theme was made possible by access to international studies, medical research, and open dialogue with worldwide renowned specialists, such as Dr. Nils H. Thoennissen (one of the most renowned international specialists in cancer, chronic degenerative diseases and regenerative medicine) and Dominica Valent Rafaiova (molecular geneticist and medical consultant to CBC Group).
Reading online forums and Facebook group discussions (Educație cu Blândețe, Totul despre Mame, La primul Bebe), we quickly understood that the problem was the lack of information about cord blood and placenta harvesting at birth.


Starting from the statement that Cord Blood Center services are only for pregnant women/couples who are about to become parents, the target audience consists of:
80% of TC’s are pregnant women, aged between 24 and 39 years, while 20% of PC’s are men, aged between 30 and 45 years. The campaign was built on the emotional benefits of stem and perinatal tissue sampling, but we also covered the functional benefits of this therapy.
Campaign duration: 6 months (April-September 2022)
Business objective:
● Increase the sales of the complete Red Diamond package
Main objective:
● Increase awareness about the importance and benefits of harvesting the largest quantity of stem cells at birth for their babies’ and families’ future health
Secondary objective:
● Educate future parents about the full potential of stem cells in treating numerous diseases that the child or any family member may face, by addressing all diseases for which the stem cells treatment has proved to be efficient.
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