For consumers interacting with brands, Likes are the easiest way to show interest & support in what those brands have to offer.

Yet, the Facebook fans of the supermarket chains present in Romania felt there was no connection between the interactions they generated on a brand page and the marketing decisions concerning the offers and discounts available in store.

Fans often expressed their opinions and preferences on social media channels, but nobody seemed to pay attention to their wants and needs. In spite of their online engagement, they had no real influence on the final discounts available in stores.

The same state of fact affected the relationship between BILLA, one of the biggest Romanian supermarket chains, and its Facebook fans & potential clients.
General Information:
Strategy: We wanted to convince BILLA Facebook fans that their Likes matter, that they have the power to influence the value of the discounts available in BILLA stores.

We set out to involve them in a conversation and prove that this supermarket chain can quickly adapt prices and product offers to its customers’ wishes.
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