General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: Growing the audience of a podcast is quite complicated, in a country where podcasts are, rather, assimilated with everything else.

So we reoriented our strategy and, instead of aiming to popularize the podcast with our campaign, we chose to build, around the podcast, a series of cool content elements that are attractive to the target audience and that to differentiate the product from anything else on the market.

The idea of the stories came, therefore, like a glove in this context. Because the podcast is not necessarily about laws, but about the rules that technology will force us to break, perhaps, in the not too distant future.

We created the stories to put the spotlight on this future and on the countless technological, moral, legal, strategic challenges that it will bring.

And, within a few months, the podcast's audience began to grow following this strategy. Because it has become a cool place where you think of cool dilemmas.


Sa cresti audienta unui podcast e destul de complicat, intr-o zona in care podcasturile sunt, mai degraba, asimilate cu orice altceva.

Asa ca ne-am reorientat strategia si, in loc sa vizam popularizarea podcastului cu campania noastra, am ales varianta in care construim, in jurul podcastului, o serie de elemente cool de continut, care sa fie atractive pentru audienta pe care o tintim si care sa diferentieze produsul de orice altceva din piata.

Ideea povestirilor a venit, deci, ca o manusa in acest context. Pentru ca podcastul nu e despre legi, neaparat, ci despre regulile pe care tehnologia ne va obliga sa le incalcam, poate, intr-un viitor deloc indepartat.

Am creat povestirile ca sa punem reflectorul pe acest viitor si pe nenumaratele provocari tehnologice, morale, juridice, strategice, pe care le va aduce el.

Si, in cateva luni, audienta podcastului a inceput sa creasca pornind de la aceasta strategie. Pentru ca a devenit un loc cool in care iti pui probleme interesante.
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