General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: Context & Challenge:
After celebrating 25 years on the Romanian market, for Mega Image it’s time to take the relationship with their clients even further and create an even a stronger bonding.
We celebrated 26 years with a 26% discount and many more surprises.
At the same time, with the pandemic restrictions still affecting businesses, we had to think of a different approach with focus on digital.

- Increase store frequency and drive sales through a dedicated campaign.
- Consolidate the role inside our communities (increase the brand love and reinforce our positioning and role in people’s life).

The 26 years Anniversary campaign focused on 3 main pillars: brand celebration, reward and customer engagement.
We celebrated 26 years with 26% discount, we celebrated more than ever, having many reasons to celebrate from tombola & prizes to hard discounts.
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