General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: After raising awareness of the domestic violence subject with our previous campaign “Unquiet Voices,” we wanted to build and consolidate a real community of people who understand and act upon the need for a strong response to family abuse, especially in times of Covid-19 lockdown.

While it helped Romania’s overburdened healthcare system, social distancing led to a significant increase in domestic violence cases. Our objective was to increase awareness of domestic violence in Romania and to determine the witnesses to come forward, as family abuse cases were raising during the pandemic lockdown.

We targeted women who have experienced any type of family abuse. We learned that they come from urban or rural areas and are of all ages and backgrounds. An equally important target was a larger urban audience with a medium to high income, educated but not when it came to domestic violence. We wanted to determine them to call the police when they witness acts of domestic violence.
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