In January 2014, Mega Image launched a new card collection: The Animal Kindergarten. The collection featured 144 cards with info about baby-animals, which parents could gather for their kids by purchasing promoted products in any Mega Image store. Besides their educational value, kids can use them to play a special cards-game, once the collection is complete (or has at least 55 cards).
Our task was to communicate the promotion on all digital media, to develop an online platform that could easily help kids keep track of and complete their collection, to stimulate participation and to maximize the user engagement.
General Information:
Strategy: We remembered our times as kids, when we exchanged surprises from Turkish Turbo or Cin-Cin chewing gum so we can fill out our collection. There was an entire underground “mafia” built around them: some kids even exchanged their full Turbo collections for bikes or roller-blades. We felt today’s kids could do the same thing with the Mega Image cards.
We centered our strategy around gradinitadeanimale.ro, which had sections that offer details on how to collect the cards etc. We aimed for this platform to provide the necessary functionality so that every registered user could actually have a real-life benefit.
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