General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: Frozen vegetables category, still small, but with lots of growth potential.
Along the years, the frozen vegetables category developed slowly and constantly, thanks to the distribution efforts of the main players, in their quest to reach more customers through as many retail venues as possible. Despite those efforts, people are still reluctant in adopting more frozen vegetables on a current basis and the category penetration is still small. In almost a third of the Romanian homes (32,7%), frozen vegetables haven’t been used in the last 6 months1. There is plenty of room for growth.
A market shadowed by false perceptions.
There are a lot of consumption barriers in Romania regarding frozen vegetables, which are based on false perceptions. In fact, freezing is the best (cleanest and safest) preserving method of a product, while keeping intact its initial freshness, taste, colour and nutritional values. For consumers, however, it seems unconceivable that frozen vegetables are at least as good, tasty and healthy as fresh vegetables.

Re-think frozen veggies.
Our challenge was to unlock the growth potential by addressing consumer barriers in a relevant way. We needed to make people actually hear and learn the true benefits of the frozen vegetables and why the frozen vegetables are not as they think they are.

This campaign had two main objectives:
- Consolidate the leader position for Edenia brand on the market
- Generate awareness and educate the target about frozen vegetables' benefits

How did we do that?
In the words of cpt. Jean Luc Picard, we went where no man has gone before: we created the first sitcom about frozen vegetables, as a way to educate about their benefits through entertainment
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