In 2013, Mega Image launched its new communication platform: “Play with your inspiration!” Due to its wide variety of products, the brand has grown to be more than just a supermarket, it’s a daily source of inspiration. The ATL campaign resembled a childhood game (“When I think of eggs, I think of milk, then I think of cheese and so on”) with executions based on various product associations. Our task was to create a digital campaign that could sustain this new platform and help establish Mega Image as an “inspirational brand”.
General Information:
Strategy: Our objectives were to: increase the overall perception that Mega Image has products for any occasion you might think of, reinforce the catchphrase “When I think of, I think of” and engage our Facebook community.
In order to ensure spread-ability, we had to include a social component, so instead of making product-product associations like in the ATL campaign, we made product-friends associations. When you think of beer, you think of your best friend who is throwing a party tonight and when you think of blueberries you think of another friend who has been craving them all week and so on.
The challenge was to develop a game mechanism that resembled the ATL idea, but could include both products and friends, while increasing awareness on the “inspiration” brand promise.
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