In 2013, Mega Image launched its new communication platform: “Play with your inspiration!” Due to its wide variety of products, the brand has grown to be more than just a supermarket, it’s a daily source of inspiration. The ATL campaign resembled a childhood game (“When I think of eggs, I think of milk, then I think of cheese and so on”) with executions based on various product associations. Our task was to communicate the same idea to Mega Image’s Facebook community.
General Information:
Strategy: We thought it would be interesting to sum up the inspiration Mega Image brings in the consumers’ life into actual numbers. There are 252 Mega Image stores with thousands of daily customers. Ever wondered how many people are thinking about cucumbers at the same time? What about peaches?
Our main goal was to engage our Facebook fans in a playful way, to get them to actually greet one another if they share an interest over a product at the same time. Another important objective was to promote sponsored products and to increase trial. Secondly, we aimed to increase our fan database.
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