General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: Context
"Sigur pe Net" is an edutainment show developed by Orange Romania, featuring renowned personalities from diverse fields who share their experiences in the digital realm, both the positive and the challenges they've encountered. This video project was initiated as a response to the significant risks that Romanians encounter on the internet, the genuine need for digital education and the complex nature of concepts, platforms and interactions present in the digital space.
Orange, the fastest fiber and 5G mobile network, has been and continues to be a strong and responsible partner for Romanians in the digital world. Each technological evolution requires a learning process and the development of smart safeguards to mitigate risks, ensure the smooth operation of systems, and provide ample time for all segments of the public to become familiar with the changes.
In the past decade we have witnessed a remarkable progress in nationwide internet penetration, with an estimated rate of over 90% by the end of 2023. Mobile connections have unequivocally transformed the way Romanians communicate, entertain themselves, and shop. The pandemic prompted various groups of Romanians to become more receptive to the novelties and advantages offered by technology. However, this shift came at the inevitable cost of increased vulnerability.
Groups placed at the extremes of the age spectrum are most susceptible to the dangers prevalent in the digital environment, and they are also the most challenging to inform and educate in order to safely enjoy the full benefits of technology.
Concepts like phishing and cyberbullying are gradually becoming part of the Romanian vocabulary, introducing new sources of stress in the interaction with technology. According to Bitdefender, 26% of monitored phishing attempts this year have aimed at acquiring banking information or access information about users accounts, followed by attempts to breach social media accounts (18%), online store accounts (13%), and file distribution (7%). The seemingly innocuous email can mark the beginning of a negative and traumatizing experience, particularly for the category most vulnerable to this risk.
According to data from SNA spanning from 2019 to 2023, the segment of society exhibiting a positive trend in online shopping confidence and predominantly utilizing social networks as their primary source of information consists of mature individuals from rural areas. This reality sets the stage for the emergence of a wave of negative and risky experiences in navigating the new digital landscape.
On the opposite end of the age spectrum, we witness a record level of cyberbullying, a phenomenon affecting nearly half of Romania's children, with girls being the primary victims of digital aggression. Save the Children conducts an annual study highlighting the extent of this phenomenon and its impact as a digitalization byproduct on the new generations. Whether they are witnesses or victims of digital violence, children declare that social networks are the spaces where they feel most vulnerable – an environment with minimal regulation and limited adult oversight. The effects of this phenomenon are predominantly emotional and psychological, with a negative long-term impact on the education and development of Romania's youth.
In its role as a leader in digitalization, Orange Romania is committed to building an ecosystem for educating and informing the public about the dangers of the digital environment. Orange aims to provide the public with the tools to secure their online presence and inspire them through an empathetic approach to emotionally charged topics.

Elevating the CSR metrics of the brand. Establishing Orange as a frontrunner in the domain of secure internet usage.
Attaining heightened engagement from demographics susceptible to digital risks. Sustaining a positive trend in engagement and attracting new followers with each new episode.

Strategic Approach
Statistics don't tell stories, they don't have amusing memories, and they don't foster communities that grow, succeed, and mature alongside them. In an environment where popularity is prioritized over authenticity, we have chosen to approach our audience with a diverse selection of personalities to reach different segments of the public. We've brought together opinion leaders from different generations, voices relevant both offline and online, and representatives from extremely diverse backgrounds. Each of the invited personalities reflects a part of today's Romanian society and the inherent challenges in a hyperconnected world, ranging from the nostalgia of the digital beginnings to defining and explaining controversial concepts like cancel culture or cat phishing.

Opting for the video format, with an average duration and developing it over a period of more than 6 months, allowed us to build anticipation with our audience. With each new episode and guest, we added different and complementary nuances to what a safe digital journey means. Placing the project on YouTube aims to bring it as close as possible to the focal point of the digital experience our audience is going through.

Through this video project, Orange sought to move the internet safety theme beyond dry statistics, technical recommendations, and impersonal information, and place it in a highly personal and authentic narrative context. The invited personalities excel at highlighting all the nuances of this theme and creating a safe space for discussion and connection to the stories that help guide us in life, especially in the digital realm.
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